Oppose the Dehumanization of Palestinians and Israelis. We are all human beings!

Sign the petition and join the fight against the dehumanization of Israelis, Jews, Gazans, Palestinians, and Muslims worldwide.

חתמו על העצומה וביחד נדרוש שחרור של כל החטופים:

Artwork on the cover: Tamar Getter detail from GO2, 

2010 Strap-painting installation TLV Museum of Art

על מה אנחנו נאבקים?

As proponents of human rights, we must fight apartheid and oppression. However, this should not involve demonizing the civilians who are associated with the stronger side, and such a struggle certainly must not condone the massacre and atrocities committed against Israeli civilians and other nationals on October 7.


At the same time, the widespread support among the Israeli public for the nature of the Israeli retaliation in Gaza — a retaliation which in itself resulted in a horrific extent of killing and suffering — together with the calls by prominent public figures (as well as parts of the Israeli public) for ethnic cleansing and population transfer, are cause for deep concern.


Politicians, intellectuals, activists, and artists from across the globe have already signed their names to the open letter!


Signatories include Slavoj Žižek, David Grossman, Thabet Abu Rass, Eva Illouz, Ohad Naharin, Issawai Frej, Michèle Lamont, Ari Folman, Ala Dakka, Yuli Novak, Ranin Boulos, Michael Sfard, Achinoam Nini, Shira Geffen, and Menashe Noy.


Sign the petition and add your voice to the resounding call for an end to the dehumanization of Israelis and Jews, Gazans and Palestinians, and Muslims around the world – we are all human beings!

Sign the petition:

Sign the petition, make a donation, and join us as friends to empower our fight against the gravest injustices and human rights violations, both in Israel and globally. With some 10 million members worldwide, Amnesty International strives to create a fairer and more just world. We are inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King's iconic quote: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Only together do we have the power to mend the world and give a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves.

Amnesty International Israel